Valencia (Xàtiva) Tomiki Aikido
Autumn Course 2008
serving the Alicante and Valencia Spanish regions
Sirviendo las regiones Españolas de Alicante y Valencia








Website updated
  04 Feb 2018



"EYES OF THE HANDS" SEMINAR - 3rd - 5th October, 2008

"Eyes Of The Hands"

"I feel, therefore I am"

Using the basic elements of inside sweep, outside sweep, outside turn and inside turn, the group first explored these movements then afterwards taking them into recognised techniques.

Many of the group had experience of these basics and they were asked to use their hands to "feel" the movements and thus use their hands as "eyes".

In this respect the student was "looking" for the point of tension between the limbs (Uke gripped Tori's wrist in regular posture for inside-sweep and outside-turn). To stabilize the union, then steer their partner through the "weak-line". Finding this angle where the balance is broken is "seen" with the hand being held.  A soft approach is imperative, so as not to mask or blot out any small changes in this state of equilibrium.  As the weak-line angle is approached the tension reduces as the break-balance point is reached. Uke can no longer maintain this state of equilibrium and reluctantly moves towards the direction of the weak-line. Tori seizes this moment as they softly encourage the new direction.  From this small change the motion gradually builds as Tori leads Uke and never forces the movement. All this is achieved by feel or by "seeing" with the hands. Once Tori takes control of this movement the opportunity to apply a formal technique becomes easier.


The ten formal Toshu Counters were used as a starting point.  The idea of developing Counters to Counters, using sinking and spiralling, rather like that of a Tornado, Cyclone Whirl-Wind or Vortex, was explored.

Some of the finishing techniques involved momentarily turning away from the attacking partner as Uke was drawn into the "Vortex".  Some importance was placed in Tori's hands being used as eyes whilst this eclipsed action was being implemented.

"Ojos de las Manos"

“Siento, por lo tanto soy”

Usando los elementos basicos de barrer interno, barrer externo, giro interno y giro externo, el grupo exploro primero esos movimientos y despues los aplico en technicas reconocidas.

Muchos en el grupo tenian experiencia de los movimientos basicos y se les pidio que usaran las manos para ‘sentir’ los movimientos. Efectivamente usando las manos como ‘ojos’

In este respecto el estudiante estaba ‘viendo’(buscando) por el punto de tension entre las extremidades (Uke tomo la muñeca del Tori en postura regular para el barrer-interno y externo). Para estabilizar la posicion y entonces dirigir a su oponente a traves de la linea/punto mas debil. Encontrar ese angulo debil donde el equilibrio se quiebra es ‘visto’ con la mano agarrada. Es imperativo adoptar un manera suave para poder detectar cualquier cambio leve en el equilibrio. A medida que el angulo debil se acerca la tension se reduce hasta llegar a ese punto donde el equilibrio se pierde. Uke no puede mantener el eqilibrio y reluctantemente se mueve hacia el punto debil. Tori toma ese momento para suavemente seguir esta nueva direccion. Desde este pequeño cambio el movimiento surge gradualmente mientras Tori dirige a Uke, pero nunca con movimiento forzado. Todo esto se obtiene sintiendo o ‘viendo’ con las manos. Una vez que Uke toma control de este movimiento, la oportunidad de aplicar una technical formal se hace mas facil.

Los primero 10 Toshu opuestas fueron usadas para comenzar.. La idea de desarrollar opuestas a opuestas fue explorado usando bajes y espirales asi como un tornado, ciclon or vortice.

Algunas de las ultimas technicas envolvio alejarse momentaneamente de el atacante a medida que Uke se atraia hacia el ‘vortice’. Cierta importancia se le dio a las manos del Tori cuando se usaban como ojos mientras esta accion-eclipse se desarrolaba.

TOMIKI AIKIDO - Basic Counter Techniques - A Tyndale / M Thraves
TOMIKI AIKIDO - Extended Counter Techniques - A Tyndale / M Thraves

click frame to download wide screen MP4 version



Atemi Waza (Attack Techniques)  (5) (Counter) (Suggested Counter to Counter)
1. Shomen-ate (Front Attack) 1. Waki-gatame 1. Gyakugamae-ate
2. Aigamae-ate (Regular Attack) 2. Oshitaoshi  2. Tenkai-kotemawashi
3. Gyakugamae-ate (Reverse Attack) 3. Gedan-ate 3. Ushiro-ate
4. Gedan-ate (Low Attack) 4. Aigamae-ate 4. Hiki-otoshi
5. Ushiro-ate (Rear Attack) 5. Tenkai-kotehineri  5. Kataguruma

Kansetsu Waza (Joint Techniques)  (5)

(Counter) (Suggested Counter to Counter)
6. Oshitaoshi (Push down) 6. Oshitaoshi 6. Kote-gaeshi
8. Hikitaoshi (Pull down) 7. Tenkai-kotehineri 7. Ushiro-ate 
12. Kote-gaeshi (Reverse wrist turn)  8. Kote-gaeshi 8. Aigamae-ate
13. Tenkai-kotehineri (Reverse wrist twist) 9. Waki-gatame 9. Gyakugamae-ate
14. Tenkai-kotegaeshi (Regular wrist turn) 10. Tenkai-kotegaeshi 10. Hiki-otoshi



Kansetsu Waza (Joint Techniques) 

(Suggested Counter)

7. Udegaeshi (Arm turn)
9. Udehineri (Entangled arm twist)
10. Wakigatame (Side control)
11. Kotehineri (Regular wrist twist)
15. Maeotoshi (Front drop)
16. Sumiotoshi (Corner drop)
17. Hikiotoshi (Pulling drop)


Valencia (Xàtiva) Tomiki Aikido AP484,  Camino Pinana,  Xativa 46800,  Valencia   SPAIN Phone: 0034 96 228 7528          Mobile: 0034 685 022 514

© Valencia (Xàtiva) Tomiki Aikido 2006